Jupiter Imaging Trip to Barbados - 3rd to 17th October 2010

*** Click here to see the the 50 Jupiter images from this trip ***

This, my third two-week planetary imaging trip to Barbados, was a another enjoyable and successful campaign. This time my partner, Sue, came along and a nice balance between astronomy and a holiday was soon struck. Initially, however, the weather was very wet an windy, and it wasn't until the 6th Oct that I magaged to get any images at all. Jupiter reached an altitude of around 70 degees during this trip.

Last year, I made this trip with Damian Peach. This year Damian had already visited, and we nearly crossed over at the airport! Between us, we covered about 5 weeks under the superb Barbados seeing conditions.

As you can see below, we were using a large wind-break constructed by Eric Norris, the owner of the house in which we were staying. This made a huge difference, from previous years as the wind can be quite a battle!

Below is an example of one of my images from this trip. Click here to see the rest.